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Steps Performing Company Supplemental Policies

In the era of Covid-19 


Update:  These procedures have been lifted for the 2022-23 season.  However, in the case of another outbreak, we will reapply these practices.


Thank you for your continued trust in Steps Performing Company.  As with the transmission of any communicable disease like a cold or the flu, you may be exposed to Covid-19, or “coronavirus”, at any time or any place.  Be assured that we are making every effort to limit the transmission of all diseases at our studio and will continue to do so.  Despite our careful attention to disinfection, sanitation, and use of personal barriers, there is still a chance that you could be exposed to an illness at our studio, just as you might be at the grocery store, your favorite restaurant, or anywhere.  Although we are taking extreme measures to provide “social distancing”, due to the nature of children and our business, it may not always be possible to maintain complete social distancing between individuals (especially the very young) at all times.


These are the guidelines we will be following:


*Please stay home if you, your child, anyone in your household, or anyone accompanying you to the studio, has the following symptoms, or if you have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive or was diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 2 weeks.

--fever, cough, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, tightness in the chest, or any other covid-related symptoms. 


*Our lobby is closed until further notice. Only students will be allowed in the building.  A staff member will come out to collect students for class.  (Do not hang out on the porch please, as there are other businesses in our building that also utilize the porch area).  All classes will dismiss about 5 minutes early in order to disinfect and sanitize, please make sure you are there to pick up your child on time as we can’t be responsible for unsupervised children and we will have another class to tend to.


*As children enter, we will do a temperature check with a touchless thermometer, wash hands/ use hand sanitizer, and head into the dance room where social distancing markers will be placed on the floor and utilized the best we can with young children.  It is recommended that students bring a towel or something to sit on for stretching and floorwork.  We will not be using any of our class props at this time or anything that would normally be shared between students, and any and all barres, mats, and equipment will be disinfected between classes.  Masks are optional.

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